用於量測 位移、距離、位置 的感測器


Micro-Epsilon 的位移感測器非常適合精確測量距離、位移、位置以及厚度。 由於其優異方便的整合性,這些感測器被大量用於設備製造和工廠自動化。

Micro-Epsilon 的電感式感測器使用渦電流原理,以非接觸方式量測位移、距離、位置、振動和振盪。 並特別適用於惡劣工業環境中(高低壓力、髒污、高低溫度)高精度之量測需求。 Micro-Epsilon 電感式感測器可提供超高精度至奈米級精度。

標準型錄多達近百種探頭供客戶選擇,若您有特殊的需求如 超高溫、高壓、高速等需求,歡迎來信洽詢非標準目錄特規產品。



optoNCDT 雷射感測器為三角式雷射位移測量豎立了里程碑。無論是位移、距離還是厚度測量,Micro-Epsilon 雷射位移感測器都是同類產品中的佼佼者。這些雷射位移計主要用於工廠自動化、電子生產、機器人和車輛製造等領域的測量和監控任務。

confocalDT 感測器產品系列代表了彩色共焦量測技術的最高精準度。這些感測器可對透明物體的距離和厚度進行高精度和快速測量。此外,創新的控制器和感測器技術可以確保在所有表面上都能保持高訊號穩定性。高性能的感測器產品組合能解決廣泛的量測任務,例如在平面玻璃生產、量測機器和半導體機械製造中。

Micro-Epsilon 的創新型白光干涉儀為高精度距離和厚度測量樹立了標竿。這些感測器具有亞奈米解析度,測量範圍和偏移距離相對較大,可實現穩定的測量結果。干涉儀有 4 個系列:用於精確量測距離的 IMS5400-DS、用於精確量測厚度的 IMS5400-TH 和用於皮米解析度距離測量的真空適用型 IMS5600-DS。

雷測測距感測器專為非接觸式距離測量而設計:雷測測距感測器的測量範圍可達 10 m,雷射測距感測器的測量範圍可達 270 m。這些感測器用於機械製造和搬運設備的定位和類型分類。

Micro-Epsilon offers a large range of inductive sensors for displacement and position measurement from conventional LVDT sensors and inductive sensors with integrated controller to customer-specific high-volume versions. The induSENSOR displacement sensors from Micro-Epsilon are used in automated processes, quality assurance, test rigs, hydraulics, pneumatic cylinders and automotive engineering.

mainSENSOR is based on an innovative measuring principle, which has been developed by Micro-Epsilon in order to combine the advantages of both inductive and magnetic sensors. Magneto-inductive sensors are frequently used as alternative to inductive sensors and proximity sensors in process automation, the packaging industry and in machine monitoring. Measuring the distance to a magnet which is fixed at the measurement object, the sensor outputs a continuous, linear signal. As different strength magnets are applied, measuring ranges of between 20 mm and 55 mm can be achieved. However, in order to adapt the measuring range, it is only necessary to change the magnet.

Draw-wire sensors of the wireSENSOR series measure almost linearly over the entire measuring range and are used for distance and position measurements between 50 mm and 50,000 mm. Draw-wire sensors from Micro-Epsilon are ideal for both direct integration and subsequent assembly in serial OEM applications, e.g., in medical devices, lifts, conveyors and automotive engineering.

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